Sold For: $12,426
*Includes Buyers Premium
Romantic era composer and pianist (1811–1886) whose prowess at the keyboard earned him a cachet as perhaps the greatest virtuoso in the history of the instrument. Rare handwritten musical manuscript fragments, unsigned, one page both sides, 6.75 x 5.5, no date. An outstanding 23-bar compositional sketch for orchestra and solo piano in D minor, titled “Ungarisches Concert.” Liszt pens a particello notation in two systems, the solo instrument entering at bar 21, labeled "Pianoforte Solo," with “etc” written at the conclusion. The reverse features a 16-bar sketch for a sacred composition, struck out in blue pencil, in which Liszt pens notations in three systems for voice and particello. Above the voice part he writes: “speret Israel in Domino. Quia apud Dominum miseri[cordia]” [translated, “Let Israel hope in the Lord. For with the Lord, have mercy.”] In fine condition, with a central vertical fold, trivial soiling, and one trimmed edge. An impressive piece by the famed Hungarian composer, drawing upon the music of his homeland in the first piece. RR Auction COA.