Wonderful collection of 20 letters, primarily consisting of ALSs, each by a recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature, including: Nelly Sachs, Bjornstjerne Bjornson, Vincente Aleixandre, Sully Prudhomme, Selma Lagerlof (TLS), Carl Spitteler, Grazia Deledda, Pearl Buck (TLS), Salvatore Quasimodo (TLS), Andre Gide, Romain Rolland, Maurice Maeterlinck, Roger Martin du Gard, Rudolf Eucken, Frederic Mistral, William Golding, Harold Pinter, Isaac B. Singer, Francois Mauriac, and Bertrand Russell (TLS). In overall very good to fine condition. A wonderful collection of letters from this diverse range of acclaimed authors, with several unusual and highly scarce names. RR Auction COA.