Western Union telegram sent by Hemingway to Leonard Lyons, two pages, 8 x 6.5, stamp-dated September 10, 1950. In full: “Dear Lennie please kill the letter about Clare and neither use nor show any of it stop They apologized for coverage and why boot something like that when you are winning stop Will write something else for you sometime stop Scribners ordered another 25000 printed the day it came out making one seven five without bookclubs which never submitted to and Cape in London sold thirty thousand before publication has printed thirty more and is ordering more paper stop Old Hemingstein motto quote They say query What do the say query Let them say period unquote Good luck Papa.” Intersecting folds and scattered creases, otherwise fine condition. Hemingway published Across the River and into the Trees in 1950, which was universally panned by the critics. RR Auction COA.