Senator from Texas (1903–1996) who rode in the convertible with LBJ during the motorcade. Souvenir typescript of Yarborough’s statement to Chief Justice Earl Warren, three pages, 8.5 x 11, signed at the conclusion in black ink, “Ralph W. Yarborough.” In part: “I rode in the third car in the cavalcade with then Vice President and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson. Immediately after the firing of the first shot, the thought immediately went through my mind that ‘that was a rifle shot.’ It did not sound to me like a firecracker or a pistol, though I thought of them too, or of the possibility of a small bomb. Another immediate impression that I had, was that the cavalcade has slowed down, almost stopped…It was a horrible experience to hear, to partially see (though I couldn’t tell at the time what had happened to President Kennedy), to smell the gunpowder from the assassin’s murder weapon, as our gallant young leader was cut down before his high noon.” In very fine condition. RR Auction COA.