Impressive collection of 54 signatures from recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, including nearly every winner from 1932 to 1969. Signers are: Edgar Douglas Adrian, George Wells Beadle, Georg von Bekesy, Konrad Bloch, Daniel Bovet, Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet, Carl Ferdinand Cori, Andre Frederic Cournand, Sir Henry Hallett Dale, Henrik Carl Peter Dam (2), Max Delbruck, Edward Adelbert Doisy, Sir John Carew Eccles, John Franklin Enders, Sir Howard Walter Florey, Werner Forssmann, Ragnar Granit, Haldan Keffer Hartline, Alfred D. Hershey, Walter Rudolf Hess, Corneille Jean Francois Heymans, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, Robert W. Holley, Bernardo Alberto Houssay, Charles Brenton Huggins (2), Andrew Fielding Huxley (3), Francois Jacob, Edward Calvin Kendall, Har Gobind Khorana, Arthur Kornberg, Hans Adolf Krebs, Fritz Albert Lipmann, Salvador E. Luria, Andre Lwoff, Feodor Lynen, Peter Brian Medawar, Jacques Monod, William Parry Murphy, Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi Nagyrapolt, Marshall W. Nirenberg, Severo Ochoa, Tadeus Reichstein, Dickinson W. Richards, Frederick Chapman Robbins, Edward Lawrie Tatum, Max Theiler, Axel Hugo Theodor Theorell, Selman Abraham Waksman, Thomas Huckle Weller, and George Hoyt Whipple. In overall fine condition. RR Auction COA.