Collection of approximately 136 items consisting primarily of signatures, letters, covers, photos, and prints, signed by various aces including members of the Flying Tigers, Doolittle’s Raiders, and Medal of Honor recipients. Highlights include items signed by Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris, Carl Spaatz, Ray Davis, Nathan Twining, Walter Krueger, John Vessey, Roy Davenport, Bob Elder, Raymond Spruance, Arleigh Burke, and Harold Stassen. Although 136 is the total number of items, there are approximately 181 signatures contained within this lot when multi-signed items are taken into account. In overall fine condition.
More comprehnsive list of signers: John Alison (3), Frederick Anderson, William R. Anderson, Richard Asbury, Rex T. Barber (2), Harvey Barnum, Sir Michael Beavis, Tom Blackburn, Boots Blesse (3), John D. Bulkeley, Arleigh Burke, Bob Cardenas, Bill Charette, Wesley Clark, Cook Cleland, R. E. Cole (2), Joe Cotton, Jack Cram, Sir John Curtiss, Bill Dana, James M. Daniels, Sue Dauser, Dean Davenport, Ray M. Davenport, Glenn B. Davis, Benjamin O. Davis, Jr, Ray Davis, Chuck DeBellevue, Jeff DeBlanc (2), Robert M. DeHaven, Robert Delashaw, Phil DeLong, Urban L. Drew, Jerry Driscoll, Marge Bong Drucker, Billy Edens, Bob Elder, Joe Engle, Roy W. Evans, Tom Ferebee (2), Sir John Fieldhouse, Bernie Fisher, Michael Fitzmaurice, James P. Fleming, Eugene Fluckey, Robert Foley, Joe Forster, Joe Foss (4), Hank Fowler, Wesley Fox, Carl Fraser, Harold Fritz, Gabby Gabreski (7), R. E. Galer, Leon A. Gerod (2), Barney Giler, Herschel H. Green, Tom Griffin (2), Mary and James Haizlip, Jane Hanks, Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris, Dean Hess, Tex Hill (5), Bruce Holloway, Skeeter Hudson, Joe Jackson, Morris R. Jeppson (2), James H. Kasler, Bus Keeton, Allan Kellogg (2), Bob Kerry, Frank W. Klibbe (2), Walter Krueger, Delbert Kuehl, Bob Layher (2), Howard Lee, Tony LeVier, Charles W. Lindberg (4), Mary Lindell, James Livingston (2), Allen Lynch (3), Charles MacDonald, Walker Mahurin (2), Walter Marm, Russ McCarthy, Robert McClure, E. Scott McCuskey, Hamilton McWhorter, Robert J. Modrzejewski, Michael J. Novosel, Phil Oestricher, Fred J. Olivi, Henry Olson, Howard Orem, Randolph Pate, William Pearce, Steve Pisanos, Hank Potter (2), James N. Price, Jr, Phil Rasmussen, Steve Ritchie, William L. Rodgers, Dick Rossi (4), Ralph Safford, Ed Saylor (2), Felix Schacki, Robert L. Scott, Jr (2), Jack Shelley, Lemuel Shepherd, Robert Simonek, R. T. Smith, Carl Spaatz, Raymond Spruance, Harold Stassen, James B. Stockdale, Bill Stocker, Jim Swett (3), James Taylor, David Thatcher, Paul W. Tibbetts, Nathan Twining, Jay Vargas, S. W. ‘Swede’ Vejtasa (2), John Vessey, Alex Vraciu (2), Leigh Wade, John K. Wells, Ernest West, George Whalen, and Simon Wiesenthal. RRAuction COA.