Partial partly printed DS on vellum, signed “John Adams,” one page, 8.75 x 14.75, January 13, 1801. The right half of a land grant issued to James Lovell, “A Lieutenant for the War.” Countersigned “J[ohn] Marshall.” Following a brief stint in the House of Representatives, Marshall (1755–1835) served as Adams’ Secretary of State from June 6, 1800 to March 4, 1801, slightly overlapping the beginning of his still-unmatched tenure of nearly 35 years as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The document has been roughly torn down the middle and lacks approximately 15% of its left half; the signed portion is good, with light soiling and a few faint spots lightly touching the dark, bold signatures. If desired, the bottom portion could be trimmed to produce a reasonably attractive, self-contained piece. LOA John Reznikoff/PSA/DNA and R&R COA.